Red AngusRed Angus Cattle Society of AustraliaOnly ABRI contacts on their website. Dark red bull with exceptional temperament currently being used in the PHA herd. As a rare breed, pleasesee their page for details. Not yet a breed. Much more secure from virus, malware, and browser hijacking attacks. Miniature Herefordbrought here from Canada in 1997. "Bim Bimble", 1942 Yallaroi Rd, North Star, NSW Tony. [1][2], The admixed cattle were selected for solid red color, natural polling and heat tolerance. The original Wagyu breed. A scholarly article, yet written in easy to understand layman's terms, discussing genome testing of native Russian cattle comparedto European and Asian (Turao-Mongolian) cattle. This re-positioning is currently underway and will take 12-24 months. by Ying Zhan, Dianne M. Vancan and James S. F. Baker, The Development of the Australian Milking Zebu. Chiangus Angus - Chianina. organisation appears to have ended. LBC breed. Our aim was to introduce beef breeders to Senepol as well as providing an opportunity for established Senepol Studs and commercial Senepol users to view our seed stock. discussing genetics and dwarfism, by Grace Vickery. Created by Rick Pisaturo ofMandalong Stud. Lakeview Senepol Stud was established in early 2018 and is located in the Northern Rivers area of NSW. British White Cattle Society of Australia Ltd. (Angus - Shorthorn) bred for 25 years by. Charbray Society of Australia Ltd- the Society started in 1970. Probably other places, info welcome. Each bull has something to offer in contributing to a wide genetic base for selection. - Advertisement - "The breed's popularity increased to such an extent that it can now be found in most provinces of South Africa and in neighbouring countries such as . Kynuna Composite1/8 Brahman, 3/8 Shorthorn, 1/4 Tuli, and 1/4 Red Angus. He is homozygous black and we have begun to utilise genotyping to check the progeny of sires, like GCS Mardu M10, for their phenotypes. Noreply. Get started now for free. THE SENEPOL NEWS, The Australian Senepol Cattle Breeders Association, Females are renowned for their ease of calving and calves for their fast 'get up and go' vigour, Heifers will calve as two year olds under normal management conditions, Breeder longevity is well documented, with breeders often still efficiently producing calves well into their teen years, Average mature weight of cows is 550-650kg at pasture, Slick coat gene- confers a very short haired, sleek coat. Our family in QLD run 5 Star Senepol at Mt Eugene in Jambin and currently have the largest herd of Senepol cattle in Australia. El resumen de reproductores 2021 ya est disponible tanto digital como impreso. No reply to queries. This way theyre Bred in the north, for the north. Norfolk Island Blue no organisation;seetheir page for detailscensus by est. ALL KNOWN CATTLE BREEDS IN AUSTRALIA The below don't all fit our criteria of a breed Includes extinct breeds that were here, and those extinct only in Australia, as a genetic record Australian breeds in pink. Sussex No organisation found;as a rare breedsee their page for details, Tajima rare Japanesebreed, as a rare Wagyu breed pleasesee their page. DrakensbergerAustralian Drakensberger rare breedsee their page for details. Para aquellos que no utilicen los registros en lnea, favor enven su formulario de registro completado por correo electrnico o por correo regular a Associated Registry. Created in the USA. Miniature Cattle -discussing genetics and dwarfism, by Grace Vickery. Organisation here is BeefmasterBreeders Australia, on facebook (can't find a website). Box 231, 420A Lincoln StreetWamego, KS 66547Correo electrnico: This email address is being protected from spambots. Call us on 0427295086 or 0417684120 to discuss your requirements, as we generally have Senepol bulls and females for sale direct from the farm. document.getElementById('cloak8faec5bec1965d22296137b424f431d8').innerHTML = ''; The American Association for them defines them as 3/8ths bison, 5/8th bos taurus. The senepol breed is something that Mr Price is passionate . Semen Testing done 85%M and 60% PM. We're looking for the best of what's available in the Senepol breed which is known for its fertility.". Note there is a Mexican breed called the Tropicarne, which means tropical beef, developed usingmostly Senepol, with Barzona, Charolais, Brahman and Angus; Tropicarne are not in Australia. BramalowBrahman - Australian Lowline. Telfono: (785) 456-8500 Fax: (785) 456-8599. Even commerical breeds have a percentage of seedstock that makes the breed viable and keeps them from becomingrare. In the Netherlands, it was developed in the region of the three rivers from which it gets its name. Golden Cross Holstein - Viking Red -Jersey. Senepol is the only breed available in Australia that is known to be a carrier of this gene, Solid red colour, ranging for dark red to a lighter honey colour. There is still a lot of breed promotion required as approximately three quarters of visitors had never heard of Senepol, with the balance having heard of or used Senepol genetics with great success in their beef breeding operation. Southern Star Rural At the moment the stud has a 180-head breeding herd. ***************************************************************************************************************, ARCBA registration report- cattle population figures for Australiafor many breeds 2011-2020 from ARCBA. We have bulls that exhibit exceptional growth like Gouron Creek Comet, or outstanding muscle like Gouron Creek Daly and Anoca. High quality sire with domestic and international semen available through Semex Australia. So a usefulorganisationbut you still need to have a sleuth about to check figures for a census i.e. Thank youto AACo and especially their cattleman Matias for detailsand census return. For exampleMaine Anjou, only 54 registered however there are thousands of them and severalhundred registered - two organisations. Very much urge all breed organisatons to update "Contacts" on their website, and putting male, female and total population figures on the breedwebsite too, annually updated, perhaps in December - this would be exceedingly helpful - not onlyto Australiaand the international community which cares about the breed -but importantly forbreeders. document.getElementById('cloak5a9484987aa67b04f705fd4a4366e791').innerHTML = ''; Australian Brangus Cattle Associationcensus query sent 10/08/2022, Braunvieh can't find any web presence of an organisation butBraunvieh Beef Australia Incis mentioned on the internet such as Livestock & Business Centre Ltd. DexterDexter Cattle Australia Inccensus query sent 24/08/2022; noreply, but LBC kindly supplied details (thanks Yan). Many are down as being born 01/01/1900, such as breeds not brought here until the 1990's and later -which makes it a tad difficult in fact impossible to do acensus count. Strongly recommend breeds using ABRIincludeother contacts on their breed website, such as their committee. Lineback a composite dairy breedof the colour-side pattern. Although Murray Greys claim to be around longer as a breed, their society didn't start until 1963. Benmar Farmin NSW have someF1's (crossed to Fleckvieh.) ChianinaChianina Society of Australiaalso various good breeders on facebook and with websites. They have good conformation which produces a good carcass. Chondrodysplasia dwarfism in miniature cattlesome miniature breed organisationshave commendably kept dwarfism out, others haven't (e.g. Please get in touch if any more info. Can't find a registry in Australia (South African breed), perhaps askPinzgauer Australia. The numbers come from ABRI and while accurate for some breeds, it must be remembered some breeds have two organisations - if only one registers with ABRI-ARCBA that gives a misleading result. Miniature breed. Developed inKiama Rd area, Queensland. A rising four-year-old Senepol bull from the Planchonella Hill stud at Yallaroi via North Star has been sold for a breed record half share price of $32,000 to Hewitt Cattle Australia at Emerald . Phone: (785) 456-8500 Fax: (785) 456-8599. Very solid. 436 cows registered which puts them on the Watch List as rare. Possibly any British genetics here registered with them? SeeGalloways Australiathey may beable to help. Not yet a breed, still using inital cross. While other breed society exhibits were busy serving up steak sandwiches to the general public the Senepol exhibitors went quietly about their work of informing the visiting commercial cattlemen of the benefits of cross breeding with Senepol. No contact, info welcome. Hayman, published by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation). Big prices. contacted for census 31/07/2022 no response. Not actually a breed as studbook open to many breedsbut maintain excellent records, andencouragingthe wide use of genetics which is important for genetic diversity and also sees somepeople gain an interest in a particular old breed thus going into those and savingthem. Bred in Denmark, Sweden and Finland, about 800,000 registered with the original organisation. percentage of founding breed input varies. English Longhorn no website found, however English Longhorn AustraliaInc has an active facebook page. This site was updated on 20/8/2020. The Australian Bazadaise Cattle Societythere is alsoBeef Bazadaise Australia and Bazadaise Breeders of Australia. Census query sent 23/08/2022. Current PHA sire, GCS Mardu L75, is 7/8thSenepol and 1/8thAngus. Australian Wagyu Associationcensus query sent 10/08/2022..nothing. . Adaptaur Hereford - Shorthorn. $3000 plus GST Private Seller $3,000 Black Snake, QLD View Registered Charolais Bull, 18 months and ready to Livestock However they could not stop the government so here they areDPI Gelbvieh census figures- about 7,000 animals and 145 breeders. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; The Gulf and Barkly went into the AACo Composite, creatingthe Mitchell. It's not a derogatory term it's an accepted description. We have contracted with Associated Registry for all our registry and office functions. The Senepol breed of beef cattle was developed on the Caribbean Island of St. Croix. No reply. Water buffaloAustralian Buffalo Industry Councilcensus query sent 10/08/2022..nothing. GelbviehAustralian Gelbvieh Association 2022 -the Assocwill not give census figures and instructed the Genetic Hub not to give population figures. Belmont RedAfricander, Hereford, ShorthornBelmont Red Association of Australia. Can't find an organisation. Do a tremendous job. As a rare breedsee their page for details, RomagnolaRomagnola Australiaand as a rare breedsee their page for details;census query sent 21/08/2022, Rubia Gallega seeRubia Gallega from Blackmoreand as a rare breed pleasesee their page for detailsthanks for census reply :), Santa GertrudisSanta Gertrudis Breeders' Association (Australia), Sardo Negro no organisation found in Australia. The first Senepol semen was exported by 5-STAR to PNG in 2005. IF YOU HAVE NEWS, A SALE OR EVENT YOU WOULD LIKE ADDED TO THE SENEPOL NEWS OR CALENDAR, PLEASE EMAIL US Contact us via Email Phone 02 6773 2419 CONTACT INFO Executive Officer: John Thomas Registrar: Barb O'Shea Phone: 02 6773 2419 Fax: 02 6772 1943 Email: ABN: 46 303 901 561 Address: Contact Us. "Although it is a relative newcomer to Australia, the Senepol breed has already made a significant contribution to the northern cattle industry. Aussie Reds allowcrossing to them. Exceedingly difficult to obtain any direct contact; 99% of emails go unanswered. Census replies to Yan, thank you. Greyman register listing in Murray Grey Beef Cattle. What is a breed? It has long been thought that Senepol originated from just crosses between N'Dama cattle, imported in the late 19th century, and Red Poll cattle, but it is actually an admixed breed that consists of Red Poll, N'Dama, Criola and a trace amount of Zebu. BREEDPLAN results are calculated by ABRI using software developed by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), which receives funding for this purpose from Meat and Livestock Australia Limited (MLA). Taronga too hard to find a contact. Dairy Shorthorn Association of Australia Inc. Devon Cattle Breeders' Society of Australia. They are well suited to all areas of Australia and have a large role to play in Australia's cattle industry in crossbreeding operations. Full access to all modern websites (including AgTrader) CensusThank you to those who help with thecensus. The Senepol and Senepol Composite herds are run on high rainfall country, east of Malanda, near Mt Bartle Frere, Queensland's highest mountain. Going to migrate and transition to Northern Australia. Speckle ParkSpeckle Park International- covers Australia, breed created in Canada. Not bred long enough to be a breed. No registry here found. In 2022 we're attempting a census not only of rare breeds, but all cattle breeds in Australia, for the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation. Genetics in Australia held by genetics company Van Diemen genetics. AACo Composite, Barkly Composite and the GulfComposite -breeds developed by theAustralian Agricultural Company -have been amalgamated for some time into theirbreed called the Mitchell. Agtrader is only available to modern browsers. So rather thanbeing listed asCritical - extremely rare - they're safe. Eventually other miniatures will become a breed on our criteria and be listed with RBTA if they become rare. Naturally polled breeds have developed over centuries,choose one of those if horns are not wanted. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, please do not use this website. The Senepol breed of beef cattle was developed on the Caribbean Island of St. Croix. due diligence. The Australian Piedmontese Cattle Association no longer has a website. No idea if so. Simply use this link to quickly upgrade and then reload this page. La SCBA est bajo nueva administracin. These results are showing that crossbreeding with tropically adapted Bos taurus produces animals with more tender meat and offers significant benefits for both north Australian beef producers and Indonesian feedlotters. As a rare breedsee their page for details, Murray GreyMurray Grey Beef Cattle SocietyandMurray Grey Australia Breeders Association, NadudanaNadudana Association of Australiaalso on facebook, and as a rare breedgo to their page for details. The Senepol is a Tropically Adapted, Bos Taurus, Polled breed of cattle known for their slick coats, quiet disposition, Excellent meat quality and hardiness. Once animals get into the rare listing through low registrations, it invariably follows the overall population has declined and/or become genetically polluted. Not sure if lines still going? New browsers auto-update so youll never need to do this again. As a rare breed, breeddetails are on their page. Can't find a registry anywhere - but this American based international company is doing a grand job of registering composite dairy breeds (and beef) and recognises VikingReds -even more sensibly, as Viking RedsInternational Dairy Registry. Unknown if other genetics companies have them here or if any are past F1's and F2's or any embryos brought in. HighlandAustralian Highland Cattle Association In. We sell our bulls at the Annual 5 Star Senepol Bull Sale in Rockhampton each September. This includes: Events, Memberships, Meetings, Finances, Online Shop, Communications and more. The Barkly was:50% Santa Gertrudis,25% Senepol,25% Charolais. Senepols are known for their variety of red shades, however here at Planchonella Hill Senepols, we have recently bred cattle who are 93.75% Senepol and are black in colour. Can't find an organisation. The Australian Braford Society. 1,542 likes. Please contact Associated Registry for all your SCBA registry questions and needs. No organisation found, ask. percentage of founding breed input varies. Se han contratado los servicios de Associated Registry para todos nuestros registros y funciones oficiales. Coota Park Blue E(Angus - Shorthorn) bred for 25 years byCoota Park Blue E studnot yet a stabilised breed, other breeds beingadded,source, Beef Central, Corriente no organisation found. Beefmaster50% Brahman, 25% Hereford, 25% Shorthorn. Square Meaters Cattle Association. Breeds under that height are miniatures. GreymanRegisterrun by theMurray Grey Beef Cattle Societydetails of their registersGreyman register listing in Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society - note that there is movement between registers i.e. On the History of Cattle Genetic Resources. Hereford, TraditionalCotmore Herefordsalso rare. They are the only company with this breed however have 125,000. [3][4], However, genetic characterization using high throughput SNP genotyping recently demonstrated that the Senepol genome contains crosses between European taurine (such as Red Poll) with some Zebu influence. Click on the link below to view the most recent Sire Summary. AgTrader has a total of 47 Cattle available for sale. Bonsmara Africander - Hereford -Shorthorn. Extinct in Australia although a tiny glimmer of hopesee their page for details. Favor completarlo a la mayor brevedad posible. Australian Miniature Herefords Association. One ofthe most heart-breaking and incomprehensible aspects ofcaring for rare breeds is seeing people take a horned breed on and immediately set about getting rid of the horns. Hewitt Cattle Australia run 70,000 - 80,000 head. ABRI Agricultural Business Research Institute,University of New England, Armidale, run online studbooks for manybreeds. Australian Lowline Cattle Associationwould know more. The Senepol breed combines characteristics of heat tolerance and insect resistance with the docile nature, good meat, and high milk production of the Red Poll. Bison No website found, however theAmerican Bison Association of Australia has a facebook page, and somebreeders here have websites. 2000 - 2023 - Global Ag Media. 75% Hereford 25% Simmental. Maine Anjou also known as Rouge de Pres. Sanga cattle breeds for relevance to northern Australia- good Australia paper, good mapshowing the historicalcattle drift in Africa. Any more infowelcome. Page to be written for this website. Hereford - Shorthorn. A crossbred of 3 types depending on the % of Simmental and Brahamn, not yet a breed. Thankyou to the Societyfor census reply :) This breed is now in the Endangered category, seetheir page for details. Having a TidyHQ Account lets us remember who you are so we can keep everything in one place for you ready to access and update at any time. Miniatures: Please note we don't currently include miniature lines of normal cattle in therare breed listings as they don't fit our criteria of a breed. It only takes a few seconds! IF YOU HAVE NEWS, A SALE OR EVENT YOU WOULD LIKE ADDED TO THE SENEPOL NEWS OR CALENDAR, PLEASE EMAIL US Contact us via Email Phone 02 6773 2419 CONTACT INFO Executive Officer: John Thomas Registrar: Barb O'Shea Phone: 02 6773 2419 Fax: 02 6772 1943 Email: ABN: 46 303 901 561 Address: Genetics supposedly here but no evidence info welcome. Bonsmara Cattle Breeders Society of Australia. Study of water buffalo genes, by Ying Zhan, Dianne M. Vancan and James S. F. Baker. Click here for more info on this years Bull Sale. ARCBAhave zero registrations recorded for Shorthorns in Australia. CharbrayBrahman - Charolais. ABRI run the studbook,contacted for census 31/07/2022 no response. Australian Simmental Breeders' Association, Blonde d'Aquitane Society of Australia and New Zealand, The Australian Senepol Cattle Breeders Association, Gelbvieh Cattle Breeders Society New Zealand, New Zealand Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society, New Zealand Red Devon Cattle Breeders Association, Simmental Cattle Breeders' Society of New Zealand, South Devon Cattle Society of New Zealand, Brahman Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa, Limousin Cattle Breeders Society of South Africa, Simbra Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa, Simmentaler Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa, African Huguenot Breeders Society of Namibia, Afrikaner Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Beefmaster Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Brahman Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Brangus Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Braunvieh Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Charolais Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Droughtmaster Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Hereford Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Limousin Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Santa Gertrudis Cattle Breeders Society of Namibia, Magyar Charolais Tenysztk Egyeslete (Hungarian), National Association of Hungarian Charolais Cattle Breeders (English), 2022 BREEDPLAN - Agricultural Business Research Institute. About Senepols Senepol Research Semen For Sale Search Australia's Largest Herd Of Registered Senepols Come See Us at AG Grow 2022 June 23,24,25 Our Annual Sale will be on Mon June 27th on Auctions Plus and @ CQLX Gracemere NT Senepols Annual Sale Click here to see the latest info on our annual sale Contact Us By using this website, you confirm that you accept the Terms and Conditions and that you agree to comply with them. Normande No website found but there's a useful facebook page called Normande Cattle Australia and being rare,seetheir page for details. Dairy Shorthorn Association of Australia Inc. DevonDevon Cattle Breeders' Society of Australia. Favor notar que hay un cago adicional de $5.00 por registro para este servicio. Due to breeds beingadded until recently, not regarded as a breed by our criteria, yet. Studbook run by ABRI. var addy_text5a9484987aa67b04f705fd4a4366e791 = 'admin' + '@' + 'senepolcattle' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak5a9484987aa67b04f705fd4a4366e791').innerHTML += ''+addy_text5a9484987aa67b04f705fd4a4366e791+'<\/a>'; Buffalo -being water buffalo andderived breeds. Australian Belgian Blue Cattle Society Inc. Australian Belted Galloway Association Inc. Blonde d'Aquitaine Society of Australia & New Zealand Inc. Bonsmara Cattle Breeders Society of Australia, The Australian Brahman Breeders' Association Ltd. Brahman - Australian Lowline. Hewitt manager Warren Miller organised the sale, saying he was attracted to the outcross for his phenotype. The breed that historically gave Belted Galloways their belt. - be suited to the South East Asian live export market and the Australian domestic market. - note that there is movement between registers i.e. Unregistered animals are lost to the breed. Choose from breeds such as Angus , Charbray , Charolais, Dexter , Senepol and Simmental. Our Senepol stud is based in Northern New South Wales, just south of the Queensland border. Great to see a wonderfulAustralian breed created for the conditions. A good breederin Qld. Chiangus Stud Herd Book started in 1986 (DPI NSW website source). Individual studs encouraged to do this too, as often they have better websitesthan the breed body. The Senepol is a Tropically Adapted, Bos Taurus, Polled breed of cattle known for their slick coats, quiet disposition, Excellent meat quality and hardiness. Oops, there was an error sending your message. They need to have tick resistance. Afrikaner also spelled Afrikander. Good breeders register. Global Ag Media provides a knowledge sharing platform offering premium news, analysis and information resources for the global agriculture industry. Thank you to AACo for their help with thecensusand information - especially cattleman Matias, much appreciated :), Montbliardno organisation found in Australia. Illawarra cattle have taken their name from the Australian aboriginal word for a piece of land 50 miles south of Sydney, land locked between the Pacific Ocean and what was once a near impenetrable escarpment which rears abruptly to the west. This way they run in that environment, the Savannah environment. The 2021 sire summary is available both in digital and printed form The 2022 Whole herd reporting link is now available. 50% Senepol,25% Brahman,12.5% each Charolais and Red Angus. DroughtmasterBrahman - Shorthorn - other British breeds mostly Hereford. Great photos of the Sanga breeds,lots stats. Very Limited numbers left in Australia with new DNA imported during 2022. British Blondealso removed from list - the English version of Blonde D'Aquitaine with its own studbook for over 30 years -can't find an organisation here, askedBlonde d'Aquitaine Society of Australia & New Zealand- no reply. PinZyL (Pinzgauer - Nguni) also called PinZyL(for the original spelling the 2 should be inthe upper postion indicating squared as in maths). The ability to thrive in minus 50 degrees unaided, resistance to viral infection and other traitsdiscussed and compared, excellent references provided. The same animal as the Brown Swiss originally - but it seems a beef option separated from the dairy line here. The SCBA is under new management. In 2022 the Australian Red website had 22 Norwegian bulls listed with genetics available. The study showed that genetic samples of Senepol DNA collected from four different regions of Venezuela contained an average of 89% European taurine ancestry (ranging from 6695%), 10.4% Zebu ancestry (ranging from 433%) and 0.6% African taurine ancestry (ranging from 04.1%). Some breeders have websites. Thank you to all keeping our rare breeds alive, you're true champions, preventing extinction. One of the oldest Senepol studs in NSW, PHA Senepols aims to breed easy-doing, fertile cattle that are suited to the. Existed only a short time circa 2005 - ? Some details from this websiteWoodbourn Stud Tasmania, TexasLonghornTexas Longhorns Australia Inc.As a rare breed, see their page for details. This year we are looking to implement an AI program that will continue to diversify our genetics and allow us to further . var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Your digital subscription includes access to all content on our agricultural websites across the nation. Based in Kiama NSW. Queenslander Red Brahman - Droughtmaster Queenslander Cattle BreedSociety is on facebook, can't find a website. He kept this cross going and kept the grey cattle and a grey bull as theyoutperformedhis Angus. Red PollRed Poll AustraliaandRed Poll Victoriaalso facebook for the organisations, group, and breeders. Page by Janet Lane This breed was developed by the North Australian Pastoral Company, theherd isclosed meaningno outside blood, over 200,000 cattle,not sure if any studbook but this is the company's website. Shorthorns had none registered (ARCBA had0 as their total of registrations) which makes them look extinct here in thepure form, but obviously they're not. Please get in touch if any info. Associated RegistryP.O. reed organisationor contact, where found,beside the breed. This searchable list is a valuable reference-point for upcoming stud and herd bull sales across Australia. Nguni can't find an organisation in Australia, but there's an active facebook group and breeders with websites and as a rare breedsee their page for details. Australian Limousin Breeders' Association Ltd, Australian Miniature Herefords Association, Murray Grey Australia Breeders Association. Gouron Creek and Planchonella Hill Senepol Studs have recently returned from Showcasing Senepol cattle as a profitable cross breeding option for cattle breeders as part of the Commonwealth . The Senepol steer, bred by Geoff and Alison Maynard from the 5 Star Senepol Stud at Jambin, finished the 100 day competition with an average daily weight gain of 2.82kg/day. "We try to breed fertility into our herd," he said. Australian Senepol Breeders Association, Shetland No organisation in Australia -see the facbook breed group for the breed (UK based) and as a rare breed, seetheir page for details. As a rare breed or potentiallysee their page for details. Email Now. Utilice su nombre de usuario y contrasea tal como lo ha utilizado anteriormente. If there is no register, or one less than 40 years old,we may make an exception to include a breed. Hereford came through in Belmont Reds used in thefirst cross. Alexandria composite A five way cross was used.