sam heughan tumblr just make it a double

Pity he doesn't focus on honing the acting skills that he undoubtedly has. Bizarre that this idea even got off the ground, but as Graeme McKenzie says, "American fans of the show sometimes struggled to distinguish between fiction and reality". They were both in Chicago during Thanksgiving, so were they together??? He is an extremely handsome guy, even dosed up with Ibuprofen for a cold) but Monty can turn him into a Ken doll. How did this one get past JA? Cree already said at a Comic Con that "Sam likes cock" and Sam doesn't seem bothered at all by his continuous double entendres and innuendos An IG post of a Men's Health magazine cover that is at least 2 years old, and blatantly pretending that it is new (maybe he's just not buff enough at the moment to get the worshippers to adore the 'eye candy'). And he was made a member of BAFTA. This and probably Heughan has too much time on his hands this OL hiatus, the man never seems to enjoy some downtime at home. [R324] he may do hundreds of publicity interviews like Fallons but it doesn't mean he enjoys them . Or did she think it was better for his image to eat granola at the same clif bar as Georgia..the silly innuendos never end it seems and it's starting to look more and more ridiculous. If you really thought Heughan was straight, there would be no homosexuality to be homophobic about and you wouldn't GAF. But it doesnt make you a good fan to post about that. {R44] Agree. Makes a sort of PR sense if Starz and his PR team are actually going down this path - some extreme shippers will never accept that SH and Balfe are not lovers/married/even parents (and SH himself was heavily involved in promoting the showmance), but quite a few ex-shippers have eventually accepted it and now they want their Sammy to find someone nice to love him as that rotten Balfe didnt; it builds up a focus on Skelton for further OL seasons; SH and Skelton can be seen together at events etc because they are co-stars, with plausible deniability of anything else; less need for clumsy photoshopping, Im here, Im there etc; shes pretty and almost 15 years younger. It was another Nureyev defection of sorts! Scott was ranked at No. At the time I had no idea about S, what he looked like, or that they were even doing a show about the books. Sam Heughan Tumblr Just Make It A Double. The pair both posted the photo of Camuso and Gabaldon smiling for the camera. Is that the gay site? it's as different from the second season as the second was from the Trying to look young, cool. Follow. Hmm. with the showmance finally more or less scuppered, maybe JA and her lot have realised that SH just doesn't seem to be any good at the bearding and so they are going for the 'too busy to date' narrative instead. You just had to get into that private blog, didnt you? Does not ring true. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, Prolonged applause are expected.! Sad. Of course SH may not have been deliberately feeding the goss but he knows what is on tumblr and he could have reined it in if he had wanted to he didnt. How is it that the topic of Meokeob and Paul Camuso are the only blog posts that are getting leaked from a private blog, when all that new SamCait stuff is being posted? So in the Late Late Show SH said that as a teen he wanted to be like the 1980s band Bros. Or, if your teenage daughter has a diary filled with musings about her fears and hopes and wishes. Is that ok? [R165]They have to be moneyed up worshippers, the smallest scarf is $150 I believe, going up to over $300 for something larger !There must be a sharp business brain behind Heughan. He could have made a general statement on twitter to get his point across less ineptly. It feels very odd to have to be yourself. If Heughan were really a straight guy, why would the trolls bother to "defend" him? One of a kind. r286 He would sell copies of the bus timetable, charging more for an autographed copy, and charge a fee if you wanted to sit down in the shelter. Just ignore the troll - they will get bored and go back under their bridge. I bet Sam Heughan has the logo for Sassenach Spirits printed on his Dickhe's got it printed on everything else !! One of the more popular seems to be this one in that article published in April 2016 - couldn't find the image separate without it being embedded in the puerile frat boy interview (including Shitner on the phone - how long can two brats drag out talking about farts?) A few points - reiterating the sacrificing personal life bit; likes to remain anonymous; SM - first it was fun, then it became a platform, now a fine line, pulling back - trolls, some very odd people out there; SAS Red Notice excites and interests him more than Bond because it is something new (sounds like he thinks he doesn't have a real chance at Bond? From tumblr - probably reflects a view that is not uncommon-. This is not healthy. Tv and film wasn't on his radar? I'd hate to see her pretty face turn into Madonna. He never never ever stops marketing his whisky .Heughan is fast becoming a bore ! (he does have the eyes for it). He is best known for portraying Jamie Fraser on Outlander since 2014. 00:17. R475 I wonder why JA feels she needs to watch him all the time, I don't think it's good for his image to have a "babysiter". Can you link to that IG so others can see what were discussing? Where would that income go ? I can not understand, why gay Sam Heughan is not able to manage his life as a an adult. [R180] I agree, I'm sure Heughan is a loyal and attentive friend/lover but if he publicly promotes Luke's work the Gay rumours that swirl around him [not without reason, I believe he's Gay ]will increase. The gay talk is not dying down so he may well feel compelled/ be compelled to bring a 'gf' or be seen with a female friend. Still, she's always good for a laugh. Awww! I suspect that Bloodshot would have tanked anyway - many reviews were terrible, but at least SH wasn't carrying the movie and corona has given him an excuse - still, cold comfort, and another impetus to keep up (and stuff up) the hetero image as he searches for more roles. They seem kind of fed up with it all. Having that kind of power over people and using it must warp the soul. Neither needs to make much effort.job done.Heughan is straight. We can still see your true colours, Sammy. (BTW, Katheryn Winnick - a great actor from Vikings - is the latest on Purv's radar - Purv doesn't think she is with SH, but then they have both been skiing and he was seen at an airport in a group including a lovely lady - (that's quite an extrapolation). After March/April 2016, Luke had to disappear from Sam's side and he closed all his SM. OL won't last forever (thank god), and it seems doubtful that he will get from future fans such mindless worship as he gets from the more extreme OL cultists, so get as many $$$ as he can while he can. "She did incredible and we are really happy we've got a new addition to the family". Moreover, the gay community is highly protective and no gay director would have talked to this supposed source about his lead actor. Build a bridge and get over yourself. One problem thoughshe cant act. Luke.Or someone from the OL cast who would have as much to lose as him if the relationship became public Either way he must be living in some kind of private hell. Appears to be the direction he wants to follow. Stalking trainee cheerleaders? Or maybe a theme from a movie or TV : The Mask; The Riddler; Liar, Liar; The Secret Life of Us. That the OL cult denies hes gay already demonstrates theyre delusional. His IG resembles that of his dates/beards. The crappy too-tight suit, the clenched hands in lapUncomfortable to see to say the least. The bearding is sad, not only because HW shouldn't make it necessary, but because it just doesn't look believable. (By the way, its cold and empty in here and Id like a sweater). Many of those women are travelling to Scotland to stalk Sam. Read some fanatical Twitter feeds where Heughans female fans are screaming fuck off at each other. You posted something that was private (which in itself is a no-no which Ill deal with separately but hey, you know the law better than anyone), and anxiously showed an accusation about yourself without realizing the people you were showing it to had no freaking idea what you were even talking about. Could be interesting, but somehow I don't think the Jamie fantasists are going to like it - still, they'll probably go to see it so they can tweet to him that they did so - and live for him tweeting back. God, now he's wearing a Sassenach Spirit sporran - bet my Scottish ancestors are rolling in their graves. I wish I knew how to copy and paste or whatever the technical term is for posting a video here but if you don't already know it go and have a look at the strikingly beautiful Heughan being interviewed with the Outlander cast , producer and writer at the Paley Fest L.A,-2015 { on U Tube I think ]. And I can promise you, he is gay. Could do him some good - broadens his range a bit and the leads are great actors. Any botox she may have at this point isn't over the top. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. May still be in there somewhere - in the closet with him. It was like he was back on the battlefields of Culloden again in Outlander. This podcast with HFPA is a l-o-n-g, l-o-n-g listen, with not all that much new. Must be tiring with all this manipulation, even if it is profitable. He needs to take a break from the tweeting and the selfies - please, for Christmas. If they broke into your house, would you think it perfectly fine that they shared what they found while rummaging in your drawers with other people? (video down the bottom - just keep scrolling- he looked a little uncomfortable with anything other than when he was shilling his whisky). The messy hair out so much softer on her facenot a slick-back pony in sight @odessa-2 !! Who could forget this staged pap walk that nobody bought. - Enjoys ruffling feathers of birds of other flocks. But yes, max 4 weeks in the theaters, then straight to DVD or VOD in Europe. If, and it is IF, this is true and not a false feed, he would have to know that there was a strong likelihood that he would be seen and maybe snapped so why do it? r366 Yeh, it can be pretty frustrating. Needed matching earrings though for the complete look. Another stage(d) act, Prelude to a Beard? (Spoiler alert: they dont jive with Meokeobs narrative.) I often wonder does he ever manage to reconnect with who he used to be? If this is indeed what the article is saying, it's a far better PR way to go as he just doesn't bring off the bearding very well, and this way he has plausible deniability - yeh, yeh, I'm straight , yeh, yeh, I'm looking for love, but no time, no time. Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot.." A Wee Dram Of Whisky " contains quite a lot of calories. In a cage indeed. I feel really sorry for him. Sam seemed confident as well. They speak for themselves. He's too beautiful to be a monk. To feel yourself slip slowly back down the slippery slope of fame and recognition, that you've just spent 12 or so years laboriously climbing Might this be you're one and only chance to make it big? Not cool! They raised a lot of money with the date contest last year but not sure that SH was all that comfortable with it. But if it is, from her IG pics, she obviously gets her clothes from some brothel dumpsters and the moths have got at them - lots of holes, and so worn that you can see right through them, poor thing, and she can't afford tights - gotta be thongs and garter belts, alas. Doesn't have to be Europe of course, but more time in the dunes that way. Just a small reminder, what we are talking about. A bit more overt this time courtesy of Purv and Camuso, with the new Sam/Georgia duo dubbed Samgia - not that Purv is inferring anything of course, but, but..looks like they went to the Blackhawks game in Chicago together, and, andboth posted on IG wearing Blackhawks caps, so, so.. Not that they are suggesting anything of course, b-u-t .he went to sports events with MM and look what that was. As a relative newcomer here, who is this Purv? And of course it could fend off those bloody pesky gay rumours that just wont go away, damn them. Just a little research should do it, eh? I hope for Sam that it will do well amongst the OL grannies(no I don't like them one bit, they get what's coming to them). Boring, poor acting (no surprise there) awkward sex scenes. Staying far away, advise everyone to do the same. Guess it works for newbies and doesn't hurt that it's blown up and pushed by the head anti. I'm sure some, maybe even a lot, are very comfortable with it, but it can be bloody tough. Pity. ?? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Then you're told straight out or it's hinted very strongly that you will most likely be unable to use that success as a stepping stone to wider fame and HW blockbuster films and lots of money unless you deny your gayness and closet. I just don't think Heughan has the 'gravitas' for the role - too pretty, too heart-throb (Daniel Craig made the role far more gritty) - of course Heughan's image may toughen up quite a lot with the release of his two movies, and his fan base is sure to expand beyond the adoring female OL lot (thankfully for his longer term career - he can't be trapped as Jamie Fraser for years to come, no matter how good it may be for his wallet). [R580] Agree, the whisky bottle is a far more respectable companion than the doesn't pose for vulgar, scantily clad, crutch displaying, sexually provocative pictures on Instagram! Sam Heughan Never Admitted that He Dated His Ten Years Best Friend, Amy Shiels. May be she either has no idea. Her facebook page can be accessed through Google - sweptawaybybooks. As soon as SH shows TMGD, there'll be freeze frames, screen caps, wall posters, 3D modelling and plaster casting so the OL obsessives can rub it like some old-time holy relic, battery operated replicas even - hey, maybe another thing for SH to market. Outlander star Sam Heughan really loves being Scottish. Bond is traditionally a womaniser for sure but he has style and depth. Then there is always Beards R Us JA must have quite a few options on her books. A couple of commenters didn't like it - surprise, surprise. Obviously from a private place/airbnb. outlanderfandomfollies: khccbc1745: Y'all there really is no worse troll of Sam Heughan hate than @bootsaucepunk. But the cultists will love it all. 187 votes and 61 comments so far on Reddit reddit We shall see. I think he went to his MPC headquarters. His own whiskey was apparantly a long time dream of his. [R545] I should think he is uncomfortable.a gay man from a modest background and small Scottish town he's now having to mix with and be photographed with pouting, inflated 'trout ' lipped HW actresses . No worries, the Purv Pretzel says - they can have a threesome with SH, or even a foursome !! Just dress him in a two numbers to tight purple suit. And if the big D is TMGD, well then those little kitties pale in comparison. Lets hope his part in Bloodshot is large enough to make an impact and give his HW film career a much needed boost. click ACCEPT. It's usually about money with him. Botox in her forehead is rather obvious. Its called breaking and entering. Wonder if he who has so obviously bearded, scrubbed etc etc is aware of Paul's words : I'm a supporter of gay rights. Meanwhile it's hetero image front and centre. Sammys Year in Review: Well, 2019 started out in Feb with a bang, or rather a bash. Which leads me to speculate he might still be in a serious relationship from before he was famous, someone he was settled with who would understand and be prepared to wait i.e. The Outlander star took to social media on April 30, while celebrating his 41st birthday with a gym . [R50] Could the mystery woman be his American agent ? The cast of the new Roald Dahl biopic has just been announced, or rather apparently leaked by a crew member, and as speculated, he is in it - playing Paul Newman? The debating has diminished a bit but it will not return to the almost no go treatment before the Balfe wedding. [R95][R96][R97] Agree. With the cover of the showmance gone and the 'player' parade of hinted new 'gfs' looking pretty clumsy, the straight selling has gone a bit rudderless. [R130] Definitely a gap in the market for Heughan impersonators !! [R332] The mind boggles at the thought of ' The Magical Golden Dirk ' being inserted into ' The Hannah James Scabbard '. I wonder which one. He Is obviously unable to verbalize that in an indisputable way. Sam Heughan is a Scottish actor. Heughan is also obsessed with another little time travel franchise known as Back to the Future. I read in one of the comments on his IG that a shipper(who was in tears smh) had read on a fanblog that he is supposedly together with another male actor. r377 But isn't he HugeOne? One told Sam WTF that he was not fucking cool for blocking a friend of hers (tweet since deleted, but screen caps survive.) Good that he's laid off the more extreme body building stage: what a hunk - of gristle. Wants adoration, panders heavily for it, but rejects objectification. He will need to get a move on with getting more movie roles, because OL seems to be deteriorating in quality, with some really poor writing, and some poor performers, particularly Skelton, and since mid Season 3 he has increasingly been an emasculated 'eye candy' side player. [R373] What's next ? r474 sailingdude - for your viewing pleasure. [quote]Artists hire PR firms who work for them. I have to admit that the few times I've met Alex briefly, he was a nice and friendly guy(like Sam himself) but but still I never forgot about the business aspect. there's a strong connection there. I Love All Things Sam Heughan @simba2001. Yep, Sam. And I still have more in drafts waiting for the right time to publish. The actor told the media that although he is good friends and comfortable with Balfe, doing steamy scenes is still difficult for him. Great example for Heughan. Heughans a handsome guy, looks great in a Tux [when it fits ] has that seductive Scottish burr in his voice, should his H.W. - Role to noisily promote SH bearding narratives as deemed required. He knows his target fangirl market, particularly in the US. Treating Sam Heughan like a piece of meat! Make it more androgyn. It is honestly so concerning that Cait even likes anything this monster posts, The Outlander actor married the French photographer and beauty line founder at a romantic wedding outside Edinburgh that honored McTavish, Caitriona Balfe revealed to PEOPLE at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards that Tony McGill had popped the question after two years of dating, Actor Graham McTavish Planned a Scottish Castle Wedding for His Bride Garance Dor, Outlander Star Caitriona Balfe Marries Music Producer Tony McGill in England, Sources Say. This thread is where all the homophobic, incontinent, menopausal fraus on DL convene. r393. "Trashy, B-Movie", gay actor Sam heughan is not even mentioned in the most of the reviews. Or better yet a remake of Brokeback Mountain - 'I wish I knew how to quit you', Henry (Luke, Duncan, Whoever). Oh, the outrage! Exit one potential gf. Sure. R373 it is a bit too much if I were him I'd go for a business that has nothing to do with OL(since the majority of the world population are not OL fans anyway) and I'd just silently invest in something without promoting it via his acting career. R43 sometimes I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that this is happening in 2019. Actual straight guys don't need PR firms, shills, flacks, red carpet rottweilers and beards to disprove anything. Indicating, one hopes, a genuine, living relationship. Well, yes, we know what that was - Fake! Sam Heughan shares behind the scenes footage on set of season six. Thanx. Bloodshot must be really bad, if they need this shorthanded kind of PR for Sam. This is just so predictable. His irritation with a fans tweets may stem from the stress and emotional pressure he must be under due to lifestyle choices i.e. Nah, that's just your cover story. A blogger is saying Camuso was invited to the OL5 premiere. So snarky, sick and annoyed at the loss of cover and some possible damage to his all-important bank balance. would be very juicy indeed. ", [quote]Regarding why she began to be open about her relationships, she told Harper's Bazaar, "I think I just wanted to enjoy my life. It is their already existing target group. It seems like Vin is not very fond of Sam. , Thanks for sharing this great memory @mariaae. When he is with OL his stance is more tight indicating a nervousness. This way he can hint that he's looking for love, he's a player, (although still throwing out a few hints to keep the Heughan/Balfe shippers happy - and spending their $$). Ah, Purv is on the case! {290] My favourite pics of Heughan taken by Getty Images.he was so delicious then before all the rampant commercialism turned him into a brand and a walking billboard I sometimes wonder what casting directors must make of it all. [Well, If He Had Taken A Woman Around As He Did Luke, Fans Would Have Been Calling Her His GF, No Doubt At All] His use of beards the biggest clearest one. Watched the Bloodshot trailer with Heughan in his cyber suitthought it made him look kinda sexy.. His career could do with a " stand out " performance , certainly that didn't happen in The Spy Who Dumped Me No idea what his performance is going to like in S.A.S Red Notice.. Hmmm.Kiesza might need glasses - Heughan is much prettier, but useful publicity for them both. Sam Heughan can basically do everything. While many of his defenders are likely to be cultists who would defend absolutely anything that he did, the point that he does have a right to make a comment about Trump is quite valid. [quote]Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot. There are so many qualities that make up a human being by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant.. Most of them I know, some of them I dont. Just remember the sun block, Sammy. ", Hmm. or he's going for the hetero me Tarzan look (anal itch is another possibility I guess). Wonder if Heughan will take someone with him to the 'Bloodloss ' premier or just his usual bottle of Sassenach Whiskey ! Macbeth is surely not improbable, I say Sam should put up some tickets for raffle here on DL for the premiere since so many have predicted the PR strategies, bearding and career moves. [R188]Agree. I've Googled but can't find information, is his part in Bloodshot a major character in lots of scenes through out the film or a slightly larger than cameo role but someone who might get killed off half way through etc ? An ageing balding queen who can't find a partner. I hope Sam reads here sometimes because DL has already given him tons of new ideas for his company. That would make 301 leather jackets here in the closet with me. One of a kind. He was always ambitious and still is. [R353] Isn't there a danger that whilst skinning in sub zero temperatures TMGD might freeze and drop off? (Hope he keeps that event planner on speed dial if we trash the idiots who make him look bad, we better praise the ones who make him look good, right?). Its New Years Day. [R401] Perhaps he doesn't run his Twitter account himself, at least not all the time .' Has Heughan ever looked beyond the boxing prowess to what a homophobic jerk this guy really is? R55 We don't know that he doesn't have a partner, remember he shared a suite in Memphis with "a guy who handled everyting"? Whats he adding to your discourse anyway, except the repetitive message that Sam is gay and shippers are idiots? Development and production costs must have been massive. An accomplished stage and screen actor best known for his leading roles in Starz TV Series . Web despite being branded like a whole new game, overwatch 2 is largely just an expansion of the original game. He moved to Glasgow and openly joined the same gym as Sam minimum 2 years ago. But she's desperate to believe he's straight so she can fantasize about him. It is always the same. Theres a queen here alright, but it aint me and it aint Jess. Money wins out - it always does, but at least it's not all bad news. Watching Sam and Balfe in their last interviews it looks like there not even friends anymore. Agree there appears to be zero chemistry between them these days. I have said in the past if I feel threatened, I will take action. Imagine how the extreme conservatives in his fanbase would react to any revelation about his sexuality that they didn't like. It started out in 1978 when they wouldn't allow a protest march so a mardi gras was held instead - couldn't legally be banned. Of course the rumoured real boyfriend she has just been on holiday with in Australia is conveniently pushed to the side (Australian athlete, US-based). New SamCait content. [ correction should read the best ], He admitted to having financed it(partly anyway) himself. Perhaps the part will suit him , requiring more brawn than brains more physical presence than actual serious acting!! They have no power to coerce artists into 'bearding contracts'. Give him a chance. Anyway they will not make significant money in Europe cause of Corona at the theatres. For some reason, however, the only posts that leaked were the ones about Paul Camuso. July 13, 2019 at 3:08 am. I agree the cons are expensive(it's the choice of the fans to buy a ticket, he's not forcing anyone) but he is a good actor, he deserves some credit esp. I hope it does. Fury of the Gods' Fan Event in Rome with Co-Stars. I don't know how relevant Shatner still is in HW [R528] Surely Shatner is barely alive he's so old ! As Always [R455] you make a good point. It was every single woman who trusted me to keep her words safe. I didnt know what I wanted to do, so I was working a lot and I traveledI flew to San Francisco R15 R16 hit the nail on the head. But, one good thing - the roadkill is gone and a new wig has appeared!!! [285] Thanks. Purv's speculations are getting more ridiculous by the day. R360 we all know he only dates women from another continent lmao. In the previous thread 4 one of the last comments was about whisky, yes I agree that Sam's whisky might do wel for a few years as long as OL is populair. Whoever is advising him re business, they are doing a good job - could be Alex. We all know what I am talking about because many people have pondered the same through DMs with me. [R385] What next ? As well as being a fine actor, he's always come across my gaydar as a beautiful gay man - not 'camp', not from 'that world', not stereotypical, just a great gay guy. It is an absolute crime that anyone should be homeless in first world countries. Hopefully the actual article will emerge at some point. How anyone can have any doubts about his sexuality after watching his latest interviews beats me.He looks to have had extensive Botox and to be wearing feminine , luminous , foundation makeup and some kind of lip tint if not actual lipstick.. [ I know some make up has to be worn on TV ] He certainly does look more androgynous than ever,.

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sam heughan tumblr just make it a double