how to align list items horizontally center in css
So, Im trying to align this menu Ive created but theres more space on the left than theres on the right side and I dont understand why this is happening. background-image: url(images/exampleon.jpg); How to align the button horizontally to the center? Dont know what happens there . With this code I attached the following CSS (generalized): #navcontainer ul { In HTML, an unordered list(
) is mainly used for two purposes, first, to organize a group of related or similar items in an unordered fashion, and second, to make the navbars for our web applications. On your site it looks like you wrapped it inside a DIV. #topmenu { min-width: 40px; }. If someone using font size +++++ there is a horizontal scrollbar, but he can read the content. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. To be honest Im not exactly sure why, but applying .ul {margin: 0 auto;} just doesnt work here. 02 Jan 2016. . display: inline-block & text-align: center. but that dosnt seem to crack it either. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? One question Chris why do you need to use lists for this? Then set align-items to center to perform centering on the block axis, and justify-content to center to perform centering on the inline axis. nav li { display: inline-block; } ). How can I make a div not larger than its contents? . I want to align the list items horizontally. This design shows the proposed roadway location in relation to the existing terrain and adjacent land conditions. Most of the time each button has a different width which is why i cant do a general sizing for all li. Even though there are close to 100 tags in HTML5, you usually only end up using a handful 99% of the time. }, .navexample01 a { Explanation: CSS Combinators clarifies the relationship between two selectors. @Autocrat: Here is a crack at your problem: display: inline; The flexbox model in CSS is a flexible layout module that lets you easily create responsive web pages without using the float or position property. How can I center an absolutely positioned element in a div? Is there a solution to add special characters from software and how to do it. However, support is currently limited for box alignment properties on block layout, so currently centering using Flexbox is the most robust way to achieve this. To have a uniform visual appearance, we will give a constant min-width to all elements and align the text in the center. center: It sets the text center-align. I use a BG image on the UL itself to avoid the flicker effect that IE6 gives to rollovers. Step 1 Make a basic list. In CSS Flexbox, why are there no "justify-items" and "justify-self" properties? display: inline-block & text-align: center. To align things in the Block Direction, you will use the properties which start with align-. Modified today. An alternative approach to make a list horizontal could be to use the CSS flexbox model. . please help. A topic in CSS flexbox might help if you study it. The
itself cant be in charge of the background image, because it will only be as wide as it needs to be to help with centering. Hi Chris, your code seems to work in Opera, Safari and Firefox but neither IE6 or 7 seem to like it, not sure if its an issue with my code but im rather desperate to get this working! Welcome to FCC. Sign Up to see how much you could remove. . I cannot post my results as I am under a strict deadline for this particular project! Not the answer you're looking for? Its just off to the left though, doesnt look too awful. Using inline or floating list items. If you have important information to share, please, We want the menu to be centered. .list-container { text-align: center; .list-item { display: inline-block; } } It's from here. The list item markers should be inside the list. CSS | align-items Property. Step 6 - Padding around list items. background-image: url(images/exampleoff.jpg); Get started with $200 in free credit! STUPID TYPO! The center alignment places the list in the middle of the div element horizontally. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Using lists for navigation makes for me a lot of sense when you consider this point. Lets say we have an unordered list with the following list items: To make this list horizontal, we can set the display type of each list item to inline-block in our CSS file: After running the above code, you will get the following output: An alternative approach could be to use the flexbox model to make a list horizontal. CSS Horizontal Lists HTML lists, represented by the <ul> tag with <li> tag children, are vertical and bulleted by default. Then set align-items to center to perform centering on the block axis, and justify-content to center to perform centering on the inline axis. how to align text inside an li to its center li { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; } . How do I center a list without CSS in HTML? Inline List Items One way to build a horizontal navigation bar is to specify the <li> elements as inline, in addition to the "standard" code from the previous page: Example li { display: inline; } Try it Yourself Example explained: Permitting flexible height means that we can avoid worrying about over long link titles (3 or 4 words), as the menu will accomodate. NOTE: The window must be at "tablet portrait" size to see the code I'm referring to. Now, add the style to the div class and use the text-align property with center as its value. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. text-align:center; /* This is the tweak i made */, } If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. } css; horizontal-alignment; or ask your own question. How is an ETF fee calculated in a trade that ends in less than a year? background-image: url(images/example.jpg); Okay Im tackling something similar but attempting to cover all bases and ensure widest usage, which is failing (it seems that css has a minor flaw, you can do A, B or C fine its when you want to do A and B that it gets difficult). To make a right-aligned version of the list, only three changes need to occur. The menu will be a horizontal bar, so we want to make sure that bar looks visually like a bar. Nice trick, it worked with the site I am developing. background-position: left top;
. See the below example. This Css hack worked perfectly for me on FF3 and IE7, not yet tested in IE6 but I will. You can use this to center align your website menus horizontally. Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? You can do this by setting the display property to flex. Then define the align-items and justify-content property to center. This will tell the browser to center the flex item (the div within the div) vertically and horizontally. :D. Cheers! It is not the best. They are most commonly found in navbars, table headers, tabs list, etc. text-align:left. Also, Happy Christmas folks (for those that celebrate it). height: 25px; I have a centred nav bar on one of my sites, and all Ive done is, ul#menu {text-align:center; list-style-type:none;} #topmenu li { Let me explain: Im working on a site that will eventually have dynamically driven navigation (via back-end editing). width: 50px; Ive been using the following code as a standard for my nav, and its worked famously:
It seems to work OK, but it exhibits some semi-weird behavior. The styling of list items is controlled by the list-style property. Optionally, you can left-align the list items for a more tidy view: Tip: Go to our CSS Align Tutorial to learn How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? @david walsh: I had a look at your code and have to say it doesnt look very good in terms of website accessibility. Center an HTML List Step 1) HTML: Wrap the <ul> element inside a container element, like <div>: Example <div class="container"> <ul class="myUL"> <li> Coffee </li> <li> Tea </li> <li> Coca Cola </li> </ul> </div> Step 2) Add CSS: Center-align the <div> element, and change the display of <ul> to inline-block. Some days I think Whatever works. should be the slogan for CSS. #topmenu { "This is the survival kit I wish I had when I started building apps." . If you want to make this navigational unordered list horizontal, you have basically two options: Now lets make a couple common decisions about how we want to display this menu: Now we are in trouble. I know jake diddly about css, I just wanted to say I really love your backround page of travel luggage tags and that it could be used as a my space layout for people to download, personalize and upload to their little profilesI know I would. Cheers for the quick response Chris, ive just made my tempalte viewable live at, @Prap: If you have floated items, and the parent element become too small in width to contain them side by side, it will push them down under. We would like to use a repeating background image for this. The below example has two grid layouts. Thanks. You use align-content to distribute space between grid tracks, if there is free space in the grid container, and align-items or align-self to move an item around inside the grid area it has been placed in. You can use the <center> tag to center the enclosed text. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. HTML is a very simple markup language. items-center: align-items: center; items-baseline: align-items: baseline; items-stretch: . Implementing horizontal lists is, thanks to the flexibility of CSS, not a tough task. @Roberto: Yeah this is starting to get a little confusing Lets say you wanted to declare an absolute width to each of those list items in your contact bar, a reasonable request. In addition to this, you also need to put the unordered list inside the div element. Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? This is imperceivable in some designs, but when you have say a border in between elements, things get hairy. Love how CSS-Tricks ranks so well against Stackoverflow lately keep up the good work Chris, Ill buy you a beer 1 day! space-around min-width: 50px; To add a list of options in the vertical menu use HTML. Can you help me that i sometimes when i make few id floating it goes down under . How do you change the style of an unordered list in HTML? background-position: left top; list-style: none; Wrap the
element inside a container element, like For an ordered list, my basic requirements are: The list should be on its own line without any other elements adjacent to it, or any background images. How do I align the menu so that both spaces are even. HTML Unordered List | HTML Bulleted List. Make all the links a set width, in EM. First, set the position property of the parent element to relative. I see your point now Ill keep that in Mind for CSS Naked Day. Download the example here. It works perfectly. #topmenu { In this approach, to make the list horizontal, you can simply make it a flex container by applying display: flex; on it. }, This seems a very complicated way of going about things. How to center a div using flexbox in CSS? The align-self property is used to override the align-items property. background-repeat: no-repeat; }, As you can see it works fine in every browser non-ie based. You might not need them all today, but its nice to have the control for a redesign idea you might have tomorrow. Give the ul a position: relative of left: 50% . Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? Ask Question Asked today. Type square In this style, the list items are marked with squares. Note that the items dont need to end with a close, HTML element is used to represent an item in a list. A topic in CSS flexbox might help if you study it. @David: I made good experiences with using lists for Accessibility. If you set the display property of each list item to inline-block, the item will not start on a new line and only take up as much width as it requires to fit its content. Which results in the following unordered list: How do I align the list-items to the left in the unordered list? Make a list horizontal using display property. You can use . Im assuming my issue is that Im not using text, but BG images for each li. How to align a button to the right side using CSS? To center our box we use the align-items property to align our item on the cross axis, which in this case is the block axis running vertically. How to change the cursor into a hand when a user hovers over a list item? If we wrap the menu in a table div, we can solve this. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? jsfiddle code -> here html: any help would be greatly appreciated. We set the text-align property to "center" and specify the border . Approximately 800px wide, when the logo is centered and the menu falls to the next line, but before the mobile menu appears. With adding javascript libraries to my site (as do most sites), I prefer not to use unnecessary code (in the form of UL, OL, and LIs). So, if you want to make the list horizontal, you have to explicitly change the display type of the list items from block to either inline-block or inline which can be done using the display property. Just give the list centered text (e.g. Step 5 Removing text decoration. Lets set them to have aninline-block display. I give each class its own background image as well as hover image. You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. please help me. Sounds useful! A formatting setting that specifies how content is positioned within the horizontal space of a cell, object, or page. You can add a margin-left and margin-right that is equal and put the weight on auto for ex : Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. } This is where the trick comes in. The steps are as follows: Float the wrapper to the left and give it a width of 100% to make it take up the full viewport width. Let's kick off by writing a simple unordered list. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I don't do that and am not going to state it here because you wouldn't need it. .list-container { text-align: center; .list-item { display: inline-block; } } . Thats it. For example, use md:items-center to apply the items-center utility at only medium screen sizes and above. display: table; /* Allow the centering to work */ At this point, you have your list ready. If you are familiar with Stu Nicholls from CSSPlay, he uses this all the time on his awesome horizontal menus. nav { text-align: center; } ) and the list items inline-block (e.g. Just so long as you applied enough spacing between the menu elements. Float both the ul and the li to the left and dont give them any width to make them adjust to their content. With CSS grid layout, the grid itself within its container as well as grid items can be positioned with the following 6 properties: justify-items, align-items, justify-content, align-content, justify-self, and align-self. With this method, you can have more control over the list items. Step 4 Display inline. . To place an item into the center of another box horizontally and vertically. Next, set the child element's position property to absolute, top to 50%, and left to 50%. list-style: none; display: inline-block & text-align: center. Please dont be annoyed if it doesnt turn out the way you expected, instead try something else because CODES DONT LIE. . I used partial bits of your css trickery to get this to work! How so? . How do I center an ordered list? What is an example of a metaphor from a Christmas carol? How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? width: 50px; At any rate, I know that I cant use the float left to get the list items to appear centered. Is the centering what you are having trouble with, or something else? The current standard in coding menus is unordered lists. How do I center a list in HTML? background-repeat: no-repeat; Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, Centering a menu where some items may disappear. There we go, we have our horizontal list. Add some width and height to the div element and align text horizontally center also. If you look at the navigation code, its just a div with a bunch of anchor tags no lists. It is the one of the self-explanatory property of CSS. Thank you!! Maybe not the perfect solution for this problem but I know if someone needs font-size +++++ he is using a screenreader most of the time.
I want my css horizontal list to be centered, that's all. Step 8 Add a rollover color. Step 6 Padding around list items. Use this method to center an element vertically and horizontally if you don't know its exact dimensions and can't use Flexbox. How to Add Hover Effect using Inline CSS? While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our. For instance, let's build a horizontal list. For example, use hover:items-center to only apply the items-center utility on hover. align-items How to center anything horizontally using CSS Grid We can use the justify-content property to do this using these values values of Grid justify-content property Write the following code .container { height: 100vh; display: grid; /* Change values to experiment*/ justify-content: center; } The result looks like this We need to add a vertical line to the right of every list item, but not the last one. This means that no matter the width, the contents of the menu will always be centered and visible. #listwrap { Lets take a look at more implementations. How can I horizontally center an element? The first step is to change its location to absolute to remove it from the usual document flow. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. Iits at the one at the bottom (for some reason I didnt do this for the main nav, guess it didnt occur to me then). The EM width setup means altering text-size permits scaling, better accessibility. rev2023.3.3.43278. We also use the align-items property with the "center" value which means that items are placed at the center of the container. Edit: There's a lot of (mostly unnecessary) CSS code in there so you'll probably need to tweak a few other things before it looks right, but the floating is what's causing the non-centering at least. To learn more, check out the documentation on Responsive Design, Dark Mode and other media query modifiers. Im not even sure if someone posted the answer, but somehow, I manged to get this to work, cross browser! please help. You can use the CSS justify-content property, which will align the items when they do not use all the available space horizontally. After trying the above codes, Im optimistic you find the ones that match your need as well as answer your questions. The element will then take up the specified width, and the remaining space will be split equally between the two margins: This div element is centered. Take my site for example: Tryed using a min-width hack for ie6/7, (yours actually!) For custom styling, we need to apply dedicated CSS properties. For instance, lets build a horizontal list. See the Pen Horizontal List - float: left by Jason Stewart (@jastew) on CodePen.